Safety Quick

Racks Installed on Trucks

This rack holds ten SQ Containers.  Waste haulers often need places to store miscellaneous supplies so the oil recycling rack is a handy place.  This photo was taken before the oil recycling program was launched, so the other items will likely have to be relocated.

A six-SQ Container rack within another, existing, rack.


The SQ Containers are 6-3/4" high, 6-3/4" wide and 13-1/2" long including the neck and cap.  Racks are best designed for a 7" X 7" bottle placed on end.  Place the upper horizontal bar so it holds the body of the bottle, not the neck.  In these samples, the upper horizontal bar is about 9" from the bottom.  This upper horizontal bar should not be more than 11" from the bottom.  Single or double sections of the rack are encouraged to allow safe storage even if the rack is not filled with empty or full SQ Containers.  

A full SQ Container weighs about 15 pounds, static weight.  Since trucks are moving vehicles which are subject to vibration and other stresses, the racks must be strongly constructed.

Building the rack with a tray to hold any drips of oil is advised.  See the photographs for examples.

When mounting the rack, allow sufficient room above the rack for easy placement and removal of the SQ Containers.





last updated:  05/28/03 08:26:06 PM
Safety Quick  PO Box 11271 * Santa Rosa, CA  95406-1217 * phone  (800) 275-8081 * fax (707) 573-7302 *email