Safety Quick


Safety Quick is a Limited Liability Company formed in 1997. It is also the name of the business' primary product, a container and system for the collection of used motor oil.

Safety Quick was created to design, develop and implement programs and products specifically for the collection and recycling of used motor oil. The formation of the company grew from one of the principle owners recognition of the need for innovative products and services in response to the growing concern of illegal disposal of oil and the inherent contamination issues.

Early efforts to address the oil concerns were meager. Primary targets were the Do-It-Yourself (DIY) oil changers, who would often pour it into storm drains, contaminating water supplies, or dumping in the garbage and ending up contaminating landfills. Due to the hazardous nature of oil, traditional service stations declined to accept it. Eventually, State legislation passed that called for a 4-cent redemption was placed on all oil sold in California. The funds generated (nearly $10 million annually) were returned to local jurisdictions to develop programs to eliminate illegal disposal and recycle used oil. New collection centers were certified and businesses such as Kragen and others began accepting used oil.

Safety Quick, the company and the program, grew out of a predecessor organization, Alternatives To Waste, which was established in 1994.  





last updated:  05/28/03 08:26:07 PM

Safety Quick  PO Box 11271 * Santa Rosa, CA  95406-1217 * phone  (800) 275-8081 * fax (707) 573-7302 *email